
  1. Piper84

    Humboldt Seed Co Lemongrass and Notorious T.H.C.

    Good morning and salutations to everyone, would like to give feedback on these strains as they progress to finish. The skinny on the dets are as follows: 5’6”x 8’ room, 1-1k light, 2-16” hurricane oscillating wall mount fans, 1-8”fan and filter, have autopilot programmable humidistat, 6-13” pot...
  2. Piper84

    Humboldt seed co lemongrass and Notorious season

    Good morning and salutations to everyone, would like to give feedback on these strains as they progress to finish. The skinny on the dets are as follows: 5’6”x 8’ room, 1-1k light, 2-16” hurricane oscillating wall mount fans, 1-8”fan and filter, have autopilot programmable humidistat, 6-13”...