
  1. Jp.the.pope

    2019 - New Year / Refreshed Room / Large Pheno Hunt

    Thought I would document my first 2019 run. Took a few months off to relax and refresh the room. Created two new SIPs and trying my have at pheno hunting using hempys. Should be a fun run. Going to be looking for males and females for each of the lines. Some will be sexed and dropped into...
  2. herbfanatic

    4x2x5 LED Grow - Qush & Pandora's Box (TGA) and Love (Alphakronik)

    Hi all! Long time lurker and on and off grower for the past 10 years or so. Just got the opportunity to begin a grow after many years so I wanted to post it to document the journey and get advice from you seasoned cultivators. My space is super limited so I will be vegging and flowering in a...
  3. DesertSol

    DesertSol's AlphakronikGenes Scrumpdiddlyyumptious strain review

    Planted 5 Scrumpdiddlyyumptious seeds from AlphakronikGenes on June 14, two popped above ground in the morning on June 18.