beginning grow room

  1. M

    New Beginner's Guide to Growing - 12 Chapter E-Guide. What do you guys think?

    Hi guys - I created a new beginner's guide to growing for 2017. I'm new here so can't post the link directly. But if you go to productiongrower com it's the main link in the header. What do you think? Thoughts/feedback/questions? Thanks!
  2. Srgtgriffdonutt

    Indoor Setup For Beginner

    Im getting close to finishing my first outdoor grow with 6 plants, and was looking for a setup to continue growing throughout the winter. I've been looking into LED lights but all the quality ones seem too over priced so does anyone have any light recommendations, HPS or anything really? I have...
  3. H

    The Growing Pains....1st Grow

    Hey guys! Name is Mikey, I'm a beginner grower that comes to Rollitup to learn how to grow as I've always enjoyed the concept of growing from seed to harvest. I've been collecting my information on growing from various threads on this forum, a few others, and countless YouTube videos. As I...
  4. H

    Advanced Platinum Series P300 300w

    Hi all, I currently have a space bucket setup, however, I'm looking to expand to tent setup. I'm still in the research phase for lighting and tent. I've come across the Advanced Platinum Series P300 300w. Have any of you had any luck with this particular LED? or recommend another brand...
  5. Murdoch101

    Milky Way seeds inn soil Journal

    Hello, Another first-timer Indoor grow heading your way, no experience other than from literature. Got some nice seeds called Milky Way from Kiwiseeds. A good beginner seed I am told, more on the seeds further down. Feel free to come with tips, advice and ask questions. Seeds Name: Milky...
  6. K


    a have a 10x10 room I'm new to growing what materials do i need to grow 10 pounds at lease each harvest on a 8000 dollar budget