I'm planning on doing a BHO run soon and was thinking about using a silicon deep dish. But after further review I understand that they are bad/toxic to blast directly into so back to the pryrex baking dish it is.
My question is can I use parchment paper at the bottom of the pyrex dish or...
So right now i use a open system im working on getting a closed loop but untell then im working on how to make my yield a lil better so to start with i use 300 gram tubes of dry not wet i know the diff lmao now when i run tans i use as many as i need tell it comes clear that range is from 6 to 9...
sorry for the big post. just read the bold to save time.
& if you dont have time to answer everything, answer anything!! much appreciated
So I've acquired a vacuum chamber & a heat pad at a head shop, i over paid but they seem nice enough, as well as an extraction tube, some screens (25, 50...