
  1. WildWoodFlower

    Why NOT to purchase from certain seed banks with Coinbase (Bitcoin) !!!!

    Greets All, I am sure with the option posted on many of today's popular seed banks for payment option that most at least heard of this currency as a payment option. Several of these banks even go as far as to offer you extra bonus freebies for completing your purchase using it. But... Before...
  2. redzi

    Dear Midweek Song.... rose is a rose or not?

    So Lewis I have ordered a few times from you before the whole Credit Card thing hit the UK, was going to do a bank transfer sometime last year and was unable to do so because I did not have access to your sort code. Was of no matter... I found out that my bank would charge $ thanks...
  3. redzi

    Credit card orders or other payment methods.

    Attitude will take a Visa (no Master Card) for a USA order and it doesnt get processed through China. Tried to place CC order at Oaseeds but was offered (extra $15) Paypal. Tried to order from Midweeksong but I was missing some sorting numbers. Or I should say I never received the sorting...