black domina

  1. Rodolfo

    Are my plants ready to harvest? Trichomes

    Hello guys, I'm doing a round of: black domina x blue dream (Spanish seeds) . I haven't harvest in a very long time. I am trying again, this is day 51 into flowering. Has anyone done this strain before or similar and can give me some advice please. Do the trichomes look ready? I think...
  2. WhiteThunderBoi

    my babies are in pain,please help!!!!

  3. john wishmyer

    unhappy seedling??

    hi everyone strain is black dominax dark plasma. everything was fine up to recently waterings have been here n there i wait till cup is light as can be without the plant drooping. noticed that its not as perky now plant has a slight droop to it. no idea what it could be. plant is about a month...
  4. john wishmyer

    Dark plasma x black domina

    anyone ever grown this cross? was gifted with5 seeds just wondering on what to expect, yeilds, training ,feedings