Cannabis certainly deserves a religion on its own. Some claim that according to the Bible it is ok to smoke some, other religions like Islam completely forbid it and religions like rastafarianism promote it. What do you think?
I also wonder about atheism, I I know it's not a religion but it's a...
Are there people still pushing the agenda that smoking weed makes you braindead? Even mental health organizations deny it as you can see here
However people still seem to believe ancient myths when there...
I know most of you don't even have to worry about people saying something because you are smoking, unfortunately that is not the case around here. I know some cassic tricks like the good ol' sploof but Im looking for new ones, or tricks that may be old but new to me, do you know any? there are a...
Ok guys, as promised here's one of the blogposts, take a look at it and hit me with all you got :lol:
What Happens If You Eat Weed
The phrase “eating weed” conjures up the image of a goat chowing down of some fresh marijuana buds. But that is not all it means, you can either chew some fresh...
Every now and then my eyes get really red when I'm really high but I've been doing some research about it and I have found out some people claim they never get redeyes from cannabis.
Here are the medical reasons I found in a friend's blog...
I am doing some research for an article I am writing and resorted to a friend's blog
Although I agree with the scientific reasons, I am also interested in finding out about different people's experiences, I have come across users who say they NEVER get redeyes, but others state that everyone...
Hello everyone this is my first mother I'm growing from clone.
I have no idea what I'm doing (well i have read hour and hours on LST) and would love any input, suggestions, criticism, doing it right, or doing it wrong comments.
Strain: heavy duty fruity
Medium: coco (75%) and FFOF(25%)
Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - Mission HQ
Hello and welcome to the Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series Mission Headquarters! All hail Discordia!
This is a series of threads in different sections of the forums, all with their own topics relating to my new grow set-up...