
  1. Craigson

    Craigsons perpetual no-til SOG

    Started a notil 4x8 bed a few wks ago. Plan is to harvest and relace ~30 clones every few wks. Cover crop is lacking a bit but coming in. Blumats to water. Ordered a soaker hose last wk. Added 150 red wigglers. First 30 are a mic of GMO, GG4, ortega x snowlotus, creme brulee. Have mothers of...
  2. macsnax


    I'm not aware of a blumat thread on this forum and i think we need one. I started using them a few weeks ago. Installed them 3 days before I left for 8 days, and came back to plants that grew more than if I was there hand watering. It really got my attention on how effective these are at...
  3. Chronikool


    2nd round of this box.....Heres a few photos to bring you up to speed. Tote is about 20 gallons......Dimensions: 15.7(H) 24.4 (L) 17.3(w) Lighting: 1 x Wavy board by Photon Fantom designs (power by meanwell LPC-60) Environment: 2 x 120mm PC fans (intake x exhaust) stuck in my closet Masked...
  4. OnePrays

    Tupur and Blumats ~ One Prays Organic Grow.

    I've got two ladies I'll be placing inside of my Grow room sometime within the week. Strains Obi Wan Og Clone, Squared Dance Clone both these clones I got from my ladies outdoors vegging. Other two are Jawa Pie and Dark Helmet. Ocean Grown seeds and one In House Genetics clone. I'll have a...
  5. LostInEthereal

    I'm a reverse-summersaulting motha fucka

    Lol, okay well I'm excited anyway. I think an active grow journal will help in my learning and hopefully provide some comic relief paired with some maybe sometimes some dim-witted snarky comments while drunk! And of course insight provided, for free, from you guys, thanks a bunch!! :bigjoint...
  6. Chronikool

    Blumats with Organic Nutrients

    Had my Maxi Blumats set up for about 4 weekz. Really awesome product! And im already seeing the benefits in time saved and growth in my current run. Use these in my reservoir: hydroponic guano, fulvic, mycorrcin (which is a bio stimulator extract) and a hydroponic brix/seaweed blend. No...
  7. Chronikool

    DONT CHRONIKOOL THIS...!! : More Creestastic GREEN from the Organic Underworld....

    After a hiatus from the grow world, this muppet is back to ruin your day once again! Lots of grow light threadz/questionz going on, and ill be the 1st to admit im a bit of a simpleton when it comes to the tech side of figure ill contribute in my own selfish way. Got a mixture of...
  8. Michael Huntherz

    DTW Coco: Am I way out in left-field?

    I'm using myself as a guinea pig, I was a pig to start with so it isn't much of a stretch. I'm sure you guys have better ideas than mine, but I'm running my first drain-to-waste Coco plants, and I'm trying something a bit different. I am only running one Cannabis plant, (Samsara Green Love...