budget friendly

  1. Cannaprentice

    Let's raise awareness about screw-in led bulbs! Budget friendly growlight

    Hi! :mrgreen: Usually household led bulbs are regarded as a really poor lighting option. Some go as far to say CFL's are better than those! But I did a healthy amount of research and experimentation and y'all might be surprised with the outcome of it all! So here we go: let's raise awareness...
  2. Invierno

    HBG-60-1400 - Which heatsink and where?

    I've been lurking for a while but reluctant to post for a while, but I've finally reached a wall and kind of need some help in regards to lights. I have never diy'ed a light before but have built a PC and have googled and tried to find the answer to my questions before coming here. Please...
  3. Cherkan

    Current optimum budget friendly lighting options for 3x3

    Been a while since I've lurked these parts of the web. Was going to pull the trigger on some cobs once upon a time but never followed that up. Now it seems quantums are big and even strips if I have that right? I'm looking to upgrade to a 3x3 sort of setup but on a budget of sorts. $500 AUD...