
  1. M

    Hiking, Climbing, and Other Outdoor Activities for Cancer Patients

    Cancer patients and survivors in remission often feel weak. Their bodies have been deeply affected by the cancer as well as the treatments used to slow the progression of the disease. While rest is important, evidence also suggests cancer patients and those in remission can benefit from physical...
  2. M

    Nutrition tips for cancer patients

    Cancer as well as cancer treatments (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery ...) all affect the supply and nutritional metabolism of patients. Nutrition plays an important role in prolonging life and improving the quality of life for cancer patients. Up to 50 - 80% of cancer patients lose weight...
  3. dstroy

    Roundup's in the news again We still have to wait to see if the first case weathers the appeals process, because Monsanto is appealing. I don't have access to specifics that I want which would help me better understand if they...
  4. R

    What is Rick Simpson oil?

    Who's tried it? Does it work? Is it effective? If so where can I get it?

    Are we all greedy?

    So a friend of a friend is trying to help raise money for their baby's cancer treatment on gofundme. Part of me wants to help, but then I remember my bills, debts and the new phone I'm saving up for. So honestly, I probably won't give anything. But I accept that, because I know most people...
  6. drgroove

    dosing and cooking time for cannabis coconut oil

    Hi, I'm about to make some cannabis coconut oil to help a buddy who has a lung cancer. There are a lot of recipes like : - - -...
  7. cannetix Inc

    A Research Project on The Potential Broad-Spectrum Anti-Proliferative Activity of CB1/CB2 Activation

    A Research Project on The Potential Broad-Spectrum Anti-Proliferative Activity of CB1/CB2 Activation :leaf: Glucose Starvation & Oxidative Stress In Cancer Cells by Activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors Cannabinoids have long been known for their therapeutic potential when it comes to the...
  8. freemanjack

    Cannabis - How It Heals

    A huge subject, about which many consider me an 'expert' but personally I'm more the blind man who has spent time familiarising themselves with a room. I am NOT medically qualified so speak utterly from personal experience and my amateur researches. Firstly we need to establish why we experience...
  9. 1weedz4

    Where to Buy Pure Canadian Naphtha for RSO

    Hey dudes, I own a delivery service in the East Bay Area, California. I do a lot of extractions/edibles and I've been making RSO for a while. After doing more recent research, it's best to use (hexane) naphtha. I've been using ISO and Everclear but I need the best results as possible for cancer...
  10. mustbetribbin

    Use of Herbs that drive Cannabis further into your bloodstream (and a few that synergize).

    So I'm new to the forum, Hi All! So I have had some really good results mixing other herbs with Cannabis, and as gift to humanity I would like to allow others to know some of what I've discovered works for me, and has made my life easier to cope with, I had a hemmoragic stroke at age 21, long...
  11. C

    terminal melanoma treatment

    Hi everyone, so I am a total newbie to the idea of growing this plant, and I have never smoked it-ever!!! but my Dad has just been diagnosed with terminal melanoma and this may be his only hope. I never realised that there were different strains of cannibas, so.. which one should I be looking...