cancer patients

  1. R

    What is Rick Simpson oil?

    Who's tried it? Does it work? Is it effective? If so where can I get it?
  2. cannetix Inc

    A Research Project on The Potential Broad-Spectrum Anti-Proliferative Activity of CB1/CB2 Activation

    A Research Project on The Potential Broad-Spectrum Anti-Proliferative Activity of CB1/CB2 Activation :leaf: Glucose Starvation & Oxidative Stress In Cancer Cells by Activation of CB1 and CB2 receptors Cannabinoids have long been known for their therapeutic potential when it comes to the...
  3. Nutes and Nugs

    Temporary Cards

    I saw on the news awhile back that some people got temporary cards in Pennsylvania. Anyone else hear this or know how to get one until Pa. gets it's ass in gear?