cannabis concentrates

  1. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Getting Into Cannabis Extractions Industry... Realistic Goal? (U.S.)

    Hello all, I've never posted in toke and talk but it looks like there are a lot of people on here who may be able to help me out, so here goes. I just got out of college recently with a bachelor of science in chemistry (ayyyy) and am at that point in my life where i'm like what the fuck am I...
  2. M

    Emulsifying Vegetable Glycerin and BHO for E-juice

    For those of you who’ve tried to mix vegetable glycerin and BHO for an e-juice or tincture know they don’t easily blend and separate quite rapidly. Whether you’re a large possessor or small, we at CAT Scientific have a method where the process can be completed in about two hours or less without...