
  1. E

    White maggot/caterpillar??? Can someone tell me

    I spotted 2 white maggots on my plants leaves and killed them immediately. Any chance anyone would know what they are and if there’s anything I should do. Should I spray insect repellent on my plants? Most of my plants are all late flowering, another 1-2 weeks to go. I’m growing in coco +...
  2. Hazrdus215

    Big green caterpillars

    been seeing mold/grey stuff on my flowers. First time trying to grow. Growing outdoors in Oregon. It’s starting to get a little rainy and a little cold at night so I’ve been bringing it in or else putting it under the awning to keep it dry. Week or two ago I started seeing gray spots, today I...
  3. M

    10 days into flower and preventing caterpillars with BT/Neem Oil [PICS]

    What's up people! I am about 10 days into flowering with a Barney Farm LSD. My previous plant that was right next to it was an auto. This auto during the drying phase ended up having a TON of caterpillars. I ended up tossing the batch. I took no preventive measures and didn't see ANY signs of...
  4. Srgtgriffdonutt

    How to Kill Budworms before they strike

    I’ve had like a quarter of my outdoor harvest ruined last year to budworms. How can I kill the moths(their parents) before they even reproduce? I would like to avoid them completely. I was thinking like a moth trap? From what I’ve seen they only have traps for the males though.
  5. john wishmyer

    Plz help me Caterpillars/poop

    sooo about my fourth week of flowering and ive discovered an infestation of these little fuckin caterpillars!!! ive already taken off a couple buds off my plant due to the stem being brown along with poop covering them. ive already bought catepillar BT and have been going through each plant with...
  6. psychadelibud

    Finding a solution to a new problem.

    Howdy folks! I have been spraying my plants this year with BT to prevent those stubborn, useless, pointless, disgusting, shitting, silk worms (bud worms) and caterpillars. Seems to be working pretty well thus far. Every year around this time in mid to late flower those little bastards start...
  7. Dadopeboii

    Bud rot or caterpillar damage???

    I need to identify whether my plants are developing bud rot or damage from caterpillars. The following is the symptoms and background info: - developing dry brown dead spots on the buds - the pistols (hairs) have turned brown on almost all the plants (they may just be maturing or could have...