cfl cabin

  1. McStankface

    First homemade grow box, plants started drooping

    Hi friends! So I have these "weed in a can" kind of things going on here, but after I bought them I realized I wouldn't be able to provide sufficient light, as my flat is south-faced. I started researching on homemade grow boxes as I had big cardboard box from my PC case, so I ran to the...
  2. Kjudah420

    Kitchen Cabinet on wheels

    What's good fellow cabinet cfl growers? This is my little island cabinet I found in my neighbors driveway on garbage day!!! I needed somewhere to start some seedlings so I said fuck it's ghetto but ghetto works well so I went ghetto on this bish. As for the lights random cfls and some leds...
  3. lee1000

    Hydro to peat substrate convert coz of old codger downstairs complaining

    Hello to anyone interested. Well, I started off my new grow with Hydro using an IWS system but I have huge problems with my water and the PH is almost up to the 8.0 mark which is terrible. Also, on top of that, the guy that lives below me started complaining about the noise of the pumps...