
  1. Alazzzar


    Is this nanners? I’ve read some articles about it..from my point of view there’s nothing.. What do y’all think?:leaf:
  2. tangerinegreen555


    So, whats' happening?
  3. RIPE

    Make It Legal_Aug 2017 Petition
  4. MaloMAL

    DWC water CHANGE - NUTES yay or nay ? Advanced nutrients, heavy 16, & Technaflora

    my water level has reduced falling below the Net pot. My PPM has risen (148)-(207) to my knowledge the rise is due to the nutrients being consumed and now salting. Im using a 3gallon Food Grade bucket with an 8in Net pot. The amount of desired water level is 2.75 or slightly above just so that...
  5. Uberknot

    A Full List of Donald ( Flip Flopper ) Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

    IMMIGRATION 1. Build a wall, deport all undocumented immigrants. At the core of Donald Trump's campaign is a promise to build a wall across the United States' southern border and deport the country's 11 million undocumented immigrants with the help of a "deportation force." 2. Deport all...