closed loop

  1. Realbax

    Yielding less with a closed extraction system than I did with open blast

    Maybe someone can tell me where I am going wrong here? Recently received a closed loop system. Just a pint sized 180g set up but a safer setup which is what I wanted. I had run a handful of open blast runs up till now and decided that I liked it enough to invest in a better solution. The open...
  2. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    Here is my current setup that I am slowly expanding since this stuff isnt cheap. I am also building a 20ton rosing press, I just need to buy the heat plates now. I use a best value vacs mini 45g closed loop passive extractor with the 90-135g upgrade kit. It has tje splatter platter bottom for...
  3. Arnold101

    concentrate leaked into Recovery Tank

    I've been running a closed loop system for almost 6 months now, my problem is or at least I think there is a problem with my butane refrigerant tank being contaminated with evaporating butane back into tank. My process is as follows: Vac entire system to remove all air after packing 2" x 36"...
  4. T

    Thoughts on Best Value Vacs "Icarus 5lb Closed loop rack mounted BHO Extractor"

    Hello everyone, I am currently looking into investing into a closed loop system in particular the 5lb Icarus unit from Best Value Vacs (BVV). I have not been able to find much information on this particular system but have found many decent reviews of other Extractors furnished by them. I have...