co2 grow bag

  1. FirstTimeGrwrLngTmSmkr

    Ventilation diy

    I have 1 oscillating fan in a 14'x17'x7.5 Room that has one window The room is located in my basement/garage. I'm in the process of trying to get rid of the wpm I found on a couple of leaves. I noticed that the wpm showed up yesterday. I will be trying either a baking soda/water or a...
  2. timbeallnd

    Exhale CO2 Grow Bags in 4x4 Tent

    I've been doing some testing of the Exhale CO2 grow bags. So far I'm pretty disappointed, because of other bloggers totally false information. Based on what I have seen each grow bag only adds about 100 ppm CO2 after 1-2 weeks inside of a CO2 tent - when the plants are SMALL. Once the plants...