control humidity

  1. Alazzzar

    Boveda 58% for curing in mason jars

    I bought 6 humidity packs from Boveda 58% the ones with 8g’s. I’m curing in a mason jars, and the humidity inside is almost getting stuck at 55%..most of the time is at 57%. I’m at day 5 of curing. Now is Boveda 58% a good option? Wondering If I should’ve gotten the 62%.. Would that have been...
  2. Chiefbongwater

    Consistent humidity

    starting my third grow and early on im running into external problems of sorts! My plants are in week 1 of total life, so first week as seedling, doing fine, plants broke tge surface and started developing small leaves and got small glasses on top as a greenhouse. The problem im having is i...
  3. Yam

    Best RH Control for Seedlings- Whats Your Favorite Method????

    I want to know how other growers prefer to control the RH for their seedlings (without buying a dome or device) I want to use something I have laying around. (water bottle, zip lock baggie) I'm starting a new grow from seed and plan on using the water bottle method to cover the seeds for RH...