
  1. G

    Does any of you guys know the seedbanks that reships till I get em?

    I mean It seems like most of guaranteed shipping option offered by seedbanks only reship once. So I wonder does any of you guys know the seedbanks that reship till I get them or offer guaranteed shipping that reships multiple times till I get em, NOT ONCE. Help me to get the seeds. Possessing...
  2. G

    MSNL Guaranteed shipping

    Please use this template for posting a seedbank review. Selection: (Plenty of choice? Describe + marks out of 10) 10 sativa seeds Price: (Good value for money? Describe + marks out of 10) about 50 dollars, 5 out of 10 Service: (Consider time taken to receive seeds, any prolems with packaging...
  3. P

    Where to find and how to send seeds down under

    I’m new to the scene and looking to buy seeds online, no intent of growing in bulk, and to be used 100% for personal use. It’s been dry in S.A and if I do find someone that has it, it’s plain old boring stuff. I looked online and the variety of autos from overseas is just so sweet. My question...
  4. A

    Legal Hempseed and Seedbanks

    Hey everybody. So, after remembeeing tyat hemp was legalized about a year or so ago, I wondered, could a seedbank technically ship seed legally to the U.S. now. It would save tyem a bunch of trouble, and save growers the hassle of confiscations and worse. (Never really heard of anything worse...
  5. TrappinInNature

    Can someone describe or post pictures of a seizure letter that you received for reference?

    I'm curious about the envelope and contents. And without opening it, is it obvious that there is a letter from customs?
  6. Mysticalgrower94

    How long?

    so my order from was passed through a facility in the uk and on its way to los ageless, my only guess is that it is stuck at customs, been there for 4 days, what is the usual wait for a package to clear? A time frame would be awesome! A week I could understand but how long does...
  7. A

    HSO shipping delay?

    Has anybody in north america experienced almost a month wait get their beans? They said it was shipped out on the 23rd of December 2016, still nothing.. Has anyone else had this happen? Can anyone offer any sort of reassurance? I'm a little worried.. $281
  8. BigJeff

    Inner Realms Glass out of California

    I just got on board with a new web store, . Offering the finest quality - AMERICAN MADE - glass pipes and rigs. There's only 5 items that are active right now, but I can do custom requests and bulk orders.
  9. 420GScookies

    Herbies doesn't provide tracking number?

    So it's been a while (2-3 years) since I ordered seeds, I went with Herbies because I remember them being quick and reliable. I got the email that my seeds were shipped but did not get a tracking number. Do they not provide one anymore? Wanted to see of this was the norm or just me. I know the...