
  1. EmeraldGreenGal

    Low Temperature Dehydrator found that's *not* HerbsNow!

    I live in Europe so shipping and customs fees from the US are huge for a HerbsNow dryer. As a result, I've been searching for weeks to find a dehydrator that hits that 20°C / 68°F temperature and I finally found one! I know that most folks will say to air dry and I get the reasons why... but...
  2. JanesRain

    Putting Weed In Dehydrator For Edibles?

    I'm not a smoker and I care nothing for taste. Will it effect the potency if I just dry my weed in a nesco dehydrator at 90 degrees and then make brownies and other delicious treats out of it? I also want to make some coconut infused cannabis oil. I read that drying and curing properly effects...