
  1. abandonconflict

    If Sanders were to run as an independent...

    This is not any kind of troll attempt and I'm not looking to make any kinda gotcha argument to trap anyone. Feel free to comment but voting in the poll might be very useful, please be honest. I do not like Sanders at all, but primarily, I want to see Trump lose.
  2. abandonconflict

    Harris 2020

    Queen Slay needs nobody's endorsement to surge in the polls now. Someone asked Joe Biden to hand the torch over but she just took it. Now, his only hope is an endorsement from Barack Obama. I wonder why the former president has not endorsed his running mate. To be fair to Biden, he did hold...
  3. abandonconflict

    Would Clinton have carried the DNC in the direction Obama oriented it?

    Would a Clinton first term have resembled an Obama third term? In what ways do you speculate that she would or would not have done so?