Hello everyone! I am creating this journal to document and share my take on indoor ''No-till''.
After my medium is constructed, you simply set it under a light and add water. You will add non ph'd water for feed and it will buffer to the correct ph needed. The nutrients are all organic and...
I want to share the recipie I came up with for an organic living soil.
-27 gal compost: chicken manure(11.5 gal), cow manure(10.5 gal), coffee grounds (4 gal), wood ash (1 gal) and bannana peels (how much ever you consume)
-26 gal native soil: you want to get the topsoil from a forest if...
I have suffered for nearly 30 years with Chronic Pancreatitis. The hallmark symptoms are extreme pain and nausea. I wont go into the details of the disease since you can look it up if you wish. However, my 3 grown sons came to me one night and talked me into smokig some weed to see if it...