
  1. E

    A Little Help With My 99mg/ml THC Vape Juice..

    So Ive Done loads of research, and so far what ive came up with is that Around 500mg(.5ml) of 70mgTHC Cartridges go for around $100. I was wondering what would the going price be for the following. i am trying to figure out how much money ill save by making a complete batch. Using 105...
  2. C

    Mixing kief and ejuice

    hey guys i was just wondering. They say u must heat the ejuice and kief to mix it together properly but couldnt you just heat it together in your vape tank by putting it on highest power and shaking it?
  3. M

    Emulsifying Vegetable Glycerin and BHO for E-juice

    For those of you who’ve tried to mix vegetable glycerin and BHO for an e-juice or tincture know they don’t easily blend and separate quite rapidly. Whether you’re a large possessor or small, we at CAT Scientific have a method where the process can be completed in about two hours or less without...
  4. WaxLiquidizer

    Wax Liquidizer new member/seller

    Hello everyone I am here to introduce Wax Liquidizer and myself! My name is Tonik I have been a member of rollitup for over 6 years already and I wanted to say thank you to all the members here for all the knowledge and information that I have received from this board! Here is a short...
  5. Genki88

    Connoisseur Concentrates Review

    Hi Everybody, Stumbled across this a few months ago and after trying out other dilutants, I decided to try out Connoisseur Concentrates 10 pack to get a feel for their product. Ordering was quite easy other than the fact that if you wanted to order burners, you would have to do it...