
  1. iShatterBladderz

    Personal Favorite Strains?

    Was just curious as to what everyone’s favorite strains are, i’m set on seeds for my next few grows but by the time I finish through what I’ve bought now, I should have everything I need to start breeding strains I like and to keep somewhat of a Seedbank for use between myself and my other...
  2. cannetix Inc

    What's your dream car?

    If you could own any car, what would you choose? 1973 Porsche 911S in British Racing Green
  3. Jimmy Verde

    Favorite amendments

    Howdy I use a tweeked version of sub cools super soil and have been researching for new amendments and minerals to make my soil more bio diverse for better growth. One new amendment I have been experimeting with is bokashi and have been seeing some great results with a couple of my strsins ...
  4. E


    IF you met the most amazing grower ever.. and had ONE chance to tell that person to grow something, what would you request/advise!? (what is the most stand out amazing one you ever tried, and why... ) [smell, taste, effects, color, pics?.. and anything else to influence the amazing grower to...