fell over

  1. Armyofsprout

    Plant fell over :(

    Hey guys. I have a giant purple alien plant In 4 weeks of flower. that fell over as I was trying to remove my net to correct some PH issues. It almost uprooted but didn’t and it the problem is nothing wants to stand up anymore including the branches. Development slowed to a halt due to the Ph...
  2. Y

    Pale Seedlings

    At first, sorry for my bad English, I am not native. Hi guys, i hope it will be my first grown, I bought 2 vision seeds auto white widow and 1 advanced seeds jack herer and I started to germinate them. They are now 10 days old. In first 7 day, there was no problem, they crack their seeds and...
  3. Y

    Pale Seedlings

    At first, sorry for my bad English, I am not native. Hi guys, i hope it will be my first grown, I bought 2 vision seeds auto white widow and 1 advanced seeds jack herer and I started to germinate them. They are now 10 days old. In first 7 day, there was no problem, they crack their seeds and...