
  1. Armillaria caligata

    Silver thiosulfate and colloidal silver

    I have been reading all of the threads about producing testicles on feminized plants because I want to cross various Purple Kush strains. So far it seems to be an even split between colloidal silver users and silver thiosulfate users. Which do each of you like more and why? I was thinking of...
  2. S

    Types of Colloidal silver for feminizing seeds

    I’m just looking for some input on what colloidal silver to use for making fem pollen. I see tons of different types. Different ppm values. I’ve gotten 2 different types off Amazon cause seems to be the only place I can find it and neither worked tried 30 ppm and 40 ppm. The first time I did it...
  3. mathewscott

    Colloidal Silver

    Anyone have any tips on the best way to apply it to just one lower branch?
  4. redzi

    Regular vs. Feminized

    I overheard a conversation where someone said to the other "why would you ever want to buy regular?" I thought to myself what a f'n idiot. Then I tossed a question to people I know personally and all though they didn't have a strong opinion about the subject didn't really know how fems are...