Hey all.
Been reading up on aminos which got me thinking if the possibility to make your own rough mixture would be possible? Similar to how you would make a fermented plant extract or fish hydroslate through microbial and enzyme fermentation. I know there are a bunch of products out there and...
So as I am hearing something about "black garlic" and how it is made it reminds me of something I read about a while ago i think it was in canabible 2. I think it was called Malawi maybe? But I think from what i remember it was weed that was taken and wrapped in leaves and that buried in the...
This growing season I have been experimenting with different recipes for organic teas and fertilizers. The best recipe i've found so far consists of Silk Worm castings, Kelp meal, Molasses, Fulvic acid,Boron, Calcium, Chloride, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sulfur and Zinc. This...
I used to think bananas were only good for a potassium boost. But there is a lot more usefulness. Ive tried fermented banana myself and got a 3" growth spurt on one of my tester plants in 4 days. The soil was 40% MG potting mix, 60%...