
  1. tyler.durden

    Happy 4th!!!

    The celebration of our Country's independence via loud explosions and sparkly, colorful flashes of light, grilled meats, a the drinking of alcoholic beverages. It's almost 4am here and there is already the occasional explosion going off. I usually venture out to a friend's or family member's...
  2. miketaco

    best of illegal fireworks 2017! w/review

    check out the new ones and make sure to listen to the crowds response each time they went off also bigger better unboxing so please sub and thumbs up for me helps a lot thanks guys
  3. miketaco

    red neck hole artillary shoot off! and illegals pops and how to get em

    this is legal v
  4. tyler.durden

    What's everyone doing for the 4th?

    It's that time of the year again. Around here it's a two week holiday of fucktards blowing shit up, often at 3am. I'm going to the lake with my sister and some friends. My sister is an amazing cook, and always brings tons of marinaded meats and veggies to grill. I'm thinking about doing a little...