Well it’s coming down to the end of this run, only a couple of weeks left and they are all doing great … I do have a great suggestion for fungus gnats I haven’t seen anyone mention but maybe I am wrong about that… it’s play sand about 2 inches thick on the top of whatever medium (soil) your...
Long story short. My friend has a Gorilla Grow tent 2x4ft (60x120cm) as flowering chamber. It runs a 240w quantum board with 3000k,3500,5000k cree diods UV and IR switch.
The length of the quantum board is slightly above 2ft (60+cm), which allowed him to also fit a CFL ...
Hi Guys not posted for a while... I've got an issue I've never had before... there are no bud sites at all and it's in week 4 of flower!!!! How is this?!
So I've got some Cookies and cream cuttings (that what they said they were) from a guy who I have got from for years and have always been...
Hey guys, the current set up going right now is a flowering clone received that I revegged and grew out. Vegged for about 3 set up a scrog. Threw her into flower been having some deficiency and other issues with this... never once was a plant ever this much of an issue and had so many...
I have three clones. 2 from one and the 3rd clone has a different mother.
At first it was very easy to tell the sex. It was very apparent. But now, the pistles have only grown in size. They are no longer little wiskers, they look like the start; of what my flowering plant. Can anyone tell me...
Hello to all.... I am starting this.thread so the community at large (or maybe even just myself) can acquire,accumulate, and culture knowledge on the growing technique named MONSTER CROP(ing). Simply enough and essentially its the process of taking a clone fron a plant that is already FLOWERING...
Hello.... I hve a few clones that look promising.... They are monater cropped or flowering clones.... That i have been veggibg since 6/26... The bottom leaves have almoat completly browned off and new growth has since been happening near the browned off leaves And im wondering if they are...
This is a "Flowering Clone" that has been "Monster Cropped" from a plant in bloom.... Is this clone showing signs of N deficiency ot something else.... IM STILL A NOOB.... Im using olivias cloning solution as the nutes untill the roots start forming.... If it is a N deficiency. What is a good...
I have a question for any growers who have EXPERIENCE in REvegging "Flowering Clones" extracted via "Monster Cropping"... When i first got the cutting.. The bud on it was more pronounce... After a few days... It APPEARS that the bud anf pistils are shrinking... Is this because the bud site is...
First and foremost i would like to give a big shout out to all the people who diligently hone their skills whilehelping others to achieve success.I would like to thank RIU for being a medium for people like myself to "soak up" vital bits of information. I plan to become an active memeber on this...
First and foremost i would like to give a big shout out to all the people who diligently hone their skills while helping others to achieve success.I would like to thank RIU for being a medium for people like myself to "soak up" vital bits of information. I plan to become an active memeber on...