
  1. bw1985

    Rapid rooter/environment settings?

    So ive recently tried seed propagation in rapid rooter and had shit luck. 2 out of 20 seeds made it to transplant. I pre germ my seeds paper towel method in ceramic plates on a heat mat. After about 1/2 inch taproot I place in my rooter. And they just all keep dying off. Some Crack above the...
  2. B

    seedling dieing out

    i'll start off by saying i've dried out/ killed 7 seeds, without knowing what im doing wrong. i would germínate in a wine glass bottle water 23-24 hrs. then out into paper towel with plastic bag. place the pure white root into soil, cover, and water. in 1-2 days the seed would appear but never...
  3. B

    seeds not popping from soul

    it's been 3-5 days since i've planted my ILGM GG4 seeds in a peat pot with ocean forest ive been getting sun from window and recently been putting them outside the roots are sticking out and apear to be brown am i watering to little?
  4. B

    Germanated seeds?

    I'm on my 2nd grow and have a couple seeds which i'm not sure if they're germanated? They're showing a crack along the seem but no taproot is appearing (one of them has one slightly showing) I've had them in a paper towel / seal lock bag for 2 days in a room ~25C and this is the first i've...
  5. RF90

    Do I just plant it?

    Okay guys first time using the paper towel method. The strain is low flyer auto flower. Only doing one and the seed is cracked after two days should I just drop it in my FFOF potting mix? I know it sounds like a crazy question but I’ve never grown auto flower (I know they can be sensative to...
  6. B

    Advice please yellow tips 6 days since germination

    Hi guys. After some advice I have recently germinated my first ever seeds there currently popping out the shells with their first leaves my problem is a couple of them have yellow tips. I have only fed them PH water so far however when mixing I did overdo it with the ph down and went down to...
  7. B

    Germinating in final pot size

    Has anyone ever started their seed(s) in their final pot size but had different sized biodegradable cups in the center to act as potting up? Would this not work the same? since roots will first get balled up in the first (peat,coco) cup before breaking down to move to the next pocket?
  8. B

    What do you consider day 1 from seed

    I've always gone under the assumption that the day you put your seed in soil is day 1 of its life, I've heard others say day 1 starts when it sprouts. Curious as to what rule of thumb you all go by
  9. S

    Bugs in early stage of plants

    Something seems to be off with both my plants. Can anyone help?
  10. T

    2 tap roots 1 seed

    Monkey og germinated today. Anyone seen this before. I think I got twins haha.
  11. Merkn4aSquirtn

    Growing in clay pellets?

    Does anyone here just drop their germed seed into clay pellets filled in a net pot? Will the roots eventually grow out of the bottom? Can the plant secure itself into the medium? I don’t want to deal with soil anymore. I have two net pots with two germed seedlings in there right now. They...
  12. grcraze11

    Need help ASAP!!!

    Thank you all in advance! About a year ago I started growing for the first time and that has been quite the learning curve however recently I’ve taken some time off roughly 2 months and every time my seeds germinate I plant them in plastic Solo cups with Fox Farm seedling soil but they never...
  13. S

    Popping seeds

    I’m just having the worst luck the first time I tried to germinate seeds I only got 3 out of 10. This time around I got 100% germination rate of 12/12 I left them in a cup of water for a day and then dumped the water out onto a paper towel for two days after checking they all had a white root...
  14. J


    I'm absolutely astonished by my germination rates lately. Due to space im mainly an Auto grower. I recently ordered 8 seeds from Seedsman with horrid success to get any of my seeds to pop, minus one. My process for all of them was the same process. Soaked the seeds for 16-24hrs in tap water and...
  15. UpstateGarden

    Seed starting

    How does some thing like this peat pellet Compare to these Rockwool cubes for seed starting?
  16. saintmetalhead

    Massive issues germinating..

    So I have some older seeds that were given to me from my Dad, they are some of the nicer mid 90's strains but the seeds themselves are about 10 years old. I am aware that the age of the seeds makes it harder due to shells hardening. but I've tried about 20 seeds already in 3 different methods...
  17. Newtoweed1

    Seeds not germinating...

    so I have been growing for several years now and have NEVER had a seed not germ. Recently I decided to try out a new seed bank.. and..well these seeds aren’t germinating. I bought 5 different strains.. 5 packs each. And so far I’ve only had one strain germinate at 100%. The other 2 strains...