get a life

  1. tangerinegreen555

    The 2nd Annual unofficial, semi-certified, partally confirmed RIU TnT 2017 Awards Nominations

    It's that time of year again. Can you believe 2017 was weirder than 2016? Hurricanes, floods, wiIdfires, no electricity to parts of the hurricane damaged US for months, bizzare socks and an unhinged president. What's next? A hailstorm of fruitcakes? The first nomination this year is the...
  2. ttystikk

    The Danksta, on Sabbatical

    Chatted him up earlier, he said he got kinda busy between two jobs, a long distance squeeze, the house project in the basement, etc, etc. He appreciates the well wishes and concerned enquiries alike, and those who know who they are can bugger off. So, suckas, that means I got dibs on his...