
  1. GorillaSeedBank

    Win Feminized Swiss Skunk from Gorilla Seeds - 2 Prizes on this platform available

    Win Feminized Swiss Skunk from Gorilla Seeds- 2 Prizes on this platform available The prize we are giving away is this : https://tinyurl.com/yrjrdtx8 TO ENTER: 1.Comment below - telling us why Super Cheese would be so good for your collection. Increase your chances of winning by entering...
  2. Johiem

    Thank you Gorilla seed Bank!

    A little while ago I won some seeds from @GorillaSeedBank, specifically the "Mimosa Cake Auto". I wasn't able to start them as quickly as I would have liked, but I've got a couple that are (i'm guessing) around week 4-5ish. And going strong. Definitely 2 distinct phenos(one bushy, one leggy)...
  3. GorillaSeedBank

    Win a Gorilla T-Shirt and 4x Barneys Farm Seeds - 5 prizes!

    Win a Gorilla T-Shirt and 4x Barneys Farm Seeds - 5 prizes! To celebrate the _crazy giveaway promo that's running this weekend on Gorilla Seeds ( you can check it here Barneys Farm Promo & Competition) , we're adding a bonus contest. One lucky winners will receive a Bad Ass Gorilla T-Shirt...
  4. $Aint418

    Gorilla seed bank?

    I was planing on ordering from gorilla seed bank in the UK and I've been kinda iffy about sending money through the mail idk how to use bitcoin and I don't have a bank account.. So I just decided to send it via USPS international... Has anyone ever done this? ... How did you do it SAFELY? ...and...