
  1. Singlemalt

    Calif legal cannabis faces extinction event
  2. bigbillyrocka

    Jumbo airliner with 5 jet fighters flew by

    So I'm sitting in my backyard watching the grass grow, enjoying the breeze when a Jumbo airliner with an escort(?) Of 5, possibly 6 (definitely at least 5 I counted, one looked just above it and would be a 6th) flew over head. I've never seen that? I've read about it/seen pictures and know...
  3. AlphaPhase

    Just A Thought...

    All taxes should be eliminated. .. And in place of taxes, all tax payer funded agencies should have to set up a gofundme donation page to collect funding. If people care about something they want to do, then they would receive donations. If people don't agree, well, sorry about your dumb...
  4. Skittles McP

    What don't people understand about "Separation of Church and State"?

    I myself am an Atheist, but I don't see this as the driving reason behind my question. I firmly believe in freedom of religion, but more than that I believe the "Separation of Church and State" is of the utmost importance. If the government were to adopt a certain religion, it only signifies the...