health and fitness

  1. P

    Exploring the Benefits of CBD in Everyday Wellness

    CBD has taken the wellness world by storm, with people using it for everything from stress relief to better sleep. But what makes CBD so popular, and how does it actually work in our bodies? Derived from hemp, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high, but it’s believed to interact...
  2. 99forever

    Can someone who uses antidepressants help me?

    Hello my friend. If you are using antidepressants for any reason, I need your knowledge and experience.
  3. Medi-Farmer

    Juicing your males

    They are not useless! Mix with some pineapple juice and you’ve got a great tasting green drink. Grown in peat w/mycorrhizae & Dr. Earth organic 4-4-4
  4. 4BigBuds

    i loose weight when i smoke

    Hey guys, I can't smoke regularly because my job requires me to take random drug tests, but when I can smoke (an example is, if I'm injured and can't work for months) I always loose weight. This time almost 20 kg in 5 months. my previous weight was 122 kg so it doesn't worry me but I'm...
  5. cannetix Inc

    A message to those who think smoking Cannabis is “harmless”

    A message to those who think smoking Cannabis is “harmless” Lately, I've noticed a lot of people, especially in these forums, making the claim that smoking Cannabis is “harmless”. The ideologies and theories behind these claims are interesting, and range from the theory that Nicotine...
  6. cannetix Inc

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer (PART ONE) Cannetix Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not intended to be taken as medical advice (Obviously) :idea: The myth that phytoestrogens, particularly in regard to Cannabis, is...