Well here i am. I can grow photoperiod pretty well. Autoflower is totally foreign to me. I am ready to give them a try. My thing is that i am afraid the buzz wont be there. I like a potent indica. For sleep and such. Couchlock is a good thing for me. Any suggestions on a good genetic?
I just finished a Candida CD1 grow I purchased seeds from an online store in Canada and it came in a Marijuana genetics package with a red cross on and green circle, now the site states the THC never passes 1% I did take it early though around 7 weeks as the plants weren't doing good for me...
Hi Rollitup, this is my journal.
First off I apologize for the HPS pics, but it is all I have in the grow room. Seeing as this is not about diagnosing plant problems I hope it will be okay.
Well this is my first time trying Ebb and Flow in a long time. I started this grow off by building a...
I'm looking for information about High CBD and Low THC strains and the seed sites that sell them. I have heard of a couple but I don't know who to trust to get the seeds that I want. I recently read about a strain called Valentine X that is supposed to have a 25 to 1 ratio CBD to THC, but cannot...
If you can answer any of these questions:
1) What was the strain?
2) How did it feel? (Alleviate any symptoms? Body / mental
3) Did you get its CBD% tested? :P
I kicked meds from my life four years ago, and I have been trying everything under the sun to get rid of my addictive personality. I was on anti-depressants for over a decade trying to cope with the social anxiety in my life, I can physically hear nails on a chalk board in my brain if I am not...