
  1. eyeballsaul

    Plant rotation effect plant hormones.

    Hi So I have always used a static type of hydroponic system. Due to circumstance I am having to use coco for this grow. I have decided to grow small stout plants against my usual practice of scrog, I am curious to see the results. The question I have is... I am rotating the plants to help avoid...
  2. TheGambino

    light changing and hormones

    Okay so I did something my last grow... which I thought was going to be a horrible round from stress but turned out to be the best round I have had so far. Details: 8- 1000w lights, 16-plants per light, room temps-80F, humidity 45%, co2-1300ppm, nutes- house and garden aqua flakes A/B, cal mag...
  3. Doogan

    Proteins & Triacontanol !

    I have been doing research on the use of various proteins. Some interesting information that I found I posted below. I have read about using "milk" in a diluted feeding but can see some issues there. A grower explained the used of bacterial levels within a "soil" medium topped with dung/cow...
  4. AnimalMother1974

    Nori seaweed for hormones and trace elements

    Will it work like kelp, kelp meal? Anyone experiment with it? I may fux with it. I have some old Nori sheets Im scared to eat, so I may grind it up and feed it to my one of my plants see if anything positive happens.
  5. Cannacat

    Cloning advice

    Just wondered what you've found to be the most effective way of cloning your plants? I've done it before with other kinds of plants quite successfully and all I've ever done is to place the cut stem into a glass of water on my kitchen windowsill until it roots and then planted it out. I want to...