
  1. calvin.m16

    ZeroTol for Powdery Mildew

    I've noticed that zerotol has given me 100% success eliminating Powdery Mildew alongside proper environmental control (dehumidification, air conditioning, airflow (fans) and such) and literally before I tried nuke em, plant therapy by lost coast, purecrop1, regalia (This works but is funky...
  2. dazzyballz

    Killing fungus gnats with hydrogen peroxide

    Ive just read a article saying that hydrogen peroxide kills fungus knat larvae,the little bastards that eat your roots and basically destroy your yield untreated!!! My plants are about 5 week into veg and last night noticed ive got the flys so the larvae will be in the soil need to treat them...
  3. Ivers

    Need help identify this tiny bug I caught (pics)

    Hello again, I've had these super tiny jumpy bugs in my soil as long as I can remember. I clean my tents every grow (tried cleaning with permethrin as well) to make these fckers not come back and changed to a new soil (plagron) still these small little bastards come back every grow, this time on...
  4. Alec420

    Drying weed with thrips

    do i have to worry about thrips eat my buds. From my observations, the only thing that looks damaged is the leaves. Not really the buds them selves. If this is a problem, how should i kill the thrips that hide in the bud?