late harvest

  1. W

    CBN / harvesting late

    hello. from what i hear the more and more you wait to harvest the more and more THC converts/degrades into CBN. im wondering if anyone ended up with plants that only had CBN,, because they harvested too late or intentionally tried to. i guess, what im wondering is, if you wait long enough, do...
  2. R

    Plastic on greenhouse how late in the year can you go in Oregon?

    If you have plastic on a greenhouse how late in the year can you go without having much heating or humidifier in Southern Oregon? We have the plastic up on the greenhouse for a storm coming in tonight and this week. But it was such a job to get up there we don't really want to keep on taking off...
  3. olaf687

    What is considered a late harvest in Southern Oregon?

    I was wondering what month is considered a late harvest, end of october or november? I have a greenhouse so I can cover them with plastic when the rain comes. But I would like to keep the heating to a minimum. I plan to have the greenhouse open unless it rains but how low temps can the buds take...
  4. eak52190

    New England outdoor harvest dilemma, should I harvest early?

    Hi all, I live in New England and have 3 outdoor plants in 10 gallon pots. I was recently told that I will have to travel for work from Sep 28 to Oct 8... smack in the middle of harvest season. I have an AK-48 Fem that suggests harvesting at the end of September and 2 bag seeds that currently...
  5. Dadopeboii

    Did I go past harvest? Root rot? Or what?

    I've been waiting for my buds to harden up and get bigger but now I'm starting to think I've went past the right time to harvest. I feel like they are becoming more leafy and less dense with time, is that normal if you wait too long? They are also having lots of problems; my plants seem to be...