Hi, I’d like to start my growing journey and am new to everything. The state I live in has not legalized weed and I was just wondering how I can avoid raising red flags. I don’t plan to grow a bunch of plants at once, but one or two at a time using a 600W LED. Assuming it would raise my electric...
As one tries to stay “ compliant “ ... it is hella hard to know the best information for both recreational/ medicinal growing .... some say 6 plants , some say 24 and some say 99. Looking for the right way to keep
the po-po in check seems to be a very grey area. I reached out to Sacramento but...
Are light ballasts still creating noticeable electronic interference? I'm asking for two reasons. I have a friend in a non legal state wanting to grow CBD Hemp that is legal but they are still worried about the cops not being understanding. Also I have been growing with LED's but would like...
ok not introuble
but i have a ? that i think needs to be answered for alot of ppl
Given bud is legal or medical in so many states......does this now give the avg person that is not carrying but works in the bud industry in some lvl where there things clothes car has been cross contaminated...