leaves cupping up

  1. jordan5star

    Help!!! Why are my fan leaves cupping?

    Hope everyone is good!! i currently have a plant that will not get out of this cupping stage in the fan leaves, my temps are currently around 25degrees and also the roots are fine. No root rot or any sign of that. So what else could be causing this cupping? anyone with advice would be muchly...
  2. C

    New clones don’t look right

    I just got these clones about four days ago they are starting to show signs of stress not sure what it is a little insight would be helpful. Temperatures have been averaging about 60 to 70 during the daytime lows of 50s at night time humidity around 30%.
  3. 9BestBudz0

    Sup guys. Idk what I did. Or what happened

    Hey guys so I started noticing my plantS start dripping or curling a little bit or Leaves kind of stiffing up kinda and curling up and some down. I thought they needed water Bc. It’s been about 2 weeks since I watered them. So I did. And I think I over watered. But they look better then they...
  4. ddeck96

    Leaf shriveled, pale, and cupping up

    The leaf on my seedling is shriveled/wilted looking, it’s also kind of a pale, light green/white-ish color. The blades on the leaf are cupping upwards, and I’ve noticed some of the other leaves have the same kind of shriveled/wrinkled texture to them and are cupping upwards slightly as well...