legal marijuana

  1. AverageJoe1

    Legal Question

    If one has a non drug related felony, and is on probation without mandated drug testing, can a Michigan Medical Marijuana card be obtained? For personal use only.
  2. DarkQueen

    MARIJUANA PRIVATE USE AND GROW LEGALIZED in South Africa 18.09.2018- History has just been made..

    Darlings!! So today this happened: This is the biggest news in the history of ever for South African smokers and growers. This day has been fought for for SO long, for so...
  3. C

    Denver to Vegas with a 1/4 oz 2017

    Hey all, I currently live In Ga, but my wife, young daughter and I are planning a move to las Vegas soon, we plan to take a greyhound bus cross country for 58 hours ( our ONLY option btw ) and it ends up stopping in Denver, Co for an hour, about 12 hrs before we reach vegas. I was wondering if...
  4. Cannacat

    I have 1000 words to explain medical cannabis....

    The company I work for runs a bi-annual magazine and I'm normally really active in its production but my personal circumstances mean I've not been as involved this time around. The magazine is for service users, people who are, in many cases, on antidepressants or have addictions to various...
  5. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Getting Into Cannabis Extractions Industry... Realistic Goal? (U.S.)

    Hello all, I've never posted in toke and talk but it looks like there are a lot of people on here who may be able to help me out, so here goes. I just got out of college recently with a bachelor of science in chemistry (ayyyy) and am at that point in my life where i'm like what the fuck am I...
  6. StashToker

    New Approach Missouri

    Anyone in the Missouri area, we need more signatures. Limited time to get this done. If you have family or friends in the Missouri area that hasn't signed please pass the link around.
  7. StashToker

    New Missouri Approach

    If any of you are in the Missouri area, or have family or friends in Missouri. Please visit We need more people active in making a change.
  8. Icemud420

    Icemud's dual tent garden under led and using recycled soil, multiple strains.

    Hey Everyone! I'm back with another grow journal and in this journal I will be doing 2 grows at the same time. I will be starting one tent in flowering and the other tent I will be doing a full grow from early veg to harvest using new white cob led technology. I'm running some new strains which...