legalize it

  1. F


    Today is the first day to grow legally in va. Anyone growing in the commonwealth? What about a Virginia Cannabis Cup?
  2. tonymontana304


    Ok, so i made my own soil using the crappy soil that is clay-like in Miami,FL near Miami beach not on Miami beach but very close to be exact Miami shores sooo..well I made a soil out of that using rotting fruits that fell from my tree my dogs poo dried leaves GREEn and dried sticks...
  3. Covert Cannabis

    Day 54 Q+A

    This is day 54 since I planted my little germed seed that came all the way from Jamaica, to celebrate... lets look at her first day coming into the world & compare it to today: Day 1: Day 54:
  4. Covert Cannabis

    Day 43... going into full flower?

    My girls flowers are getting bigger and bigger way faster than I expected and I'm already seeing early signs of resin buildup (I'm totally inexperienced) How many more days would you give her until harvest? I'm thinking 45-60
  5. abandonconflict

    Philippine medical

    It actually has a good chance of passing. Duterte is an unlikely ally but, believe it or not, he is in favor. It doesn't mean he will go easy on shabu (or the NPA) but it sure would be nice to be able to toke one down after a...
  6. J

    North Carolina Voting to Legalize Medical Marijuana!

    Hey Everyone! I just moved to Raleigh and saw medicinal marijuana is on the November ballot for North Carolina! It'd be great to get legalization moving through the bible belt so if you want to help raise awareness and pledge to vote in support of it - check it out :)...
  7. Olive Drab Green

    Pennsylvania needs one giant protest.

    So Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg have all decrim'd. We finally got medical to pass. But beneath all this, there's this underlying sense that we've compromised a little too much. 1. We cannot have flower, but we can have pure, vastly more potent hash oils. 2. You cannot grow as a...