I've heard of people using 10/14 cycles or even 8/16 to help longer flowering buds mature faster and finish up.
Have any of you had experience with this? The situation I'm in is I have two plants in my flower tent presently, one is about a week or two from ready to cut, the other has... some...
So I got some plants week 4 of flower and my breaker switch interrupted my day cycle for 40min how do I prevent hermie’s and is it possible they won’t mind it but I’m really bummed because I dedicate all this time so they can herm during flower my first grow btw.
hey everyone,
First forum post for me due to the fact that im a brand new member, so go easy on me incase im not doing this in a correct fashion. Anyway not only am i a new member but im also a brand new grower as well! untill recently i only had one plant to worry about so my t5...
Id like to extend the vegegatative growth period of my plant, as I feel it's gotten a bit of a late start. Can three or four outdoor solar powered night lights near the plant be enough light to delay the budding of an outdoor Early Vixen?
Hi there everyone, I have been doing two autoflowers, (ak47 and Anubis). They have been sprouted for 12 days, however, when I checked my analog timer (the ones with the pins all around them) i noticed that one pin (I think) has been pushed down during the dark period, meaning the lights have...
So what I'm asking is do you have to keep your flowering plants in a 12\12. cycle.
I flipped to 12/12, but a friend told me to increase production to push the cycle back to 18/6 but, there are 3 clones. If they revert back to veg that is called "monster cropping" and is any of this sensable...