living organics

  1. TaoRich

    Living Soil : My beg borrow & improvise vermicomposted mix - Comments & Advice ?

    Greetz from Africa Hi folks My first legal grow ... our local laws have recently changed My first grow in 10 years ... I've been a bit of a slack b*st*rd My first totally organic grow ... going with a living soil outdoor grow I'm actively looking for advice and suggestions Am I missing...
  2. TaoRich

    Rootbound : More likely when fed poorly ... or fed well ?

    Greets My Question With regard to how plant roots develop in size and bulk and density ... according to how poorly or how well nourished their soil is ... Do poorly nourished roots grow more thickly & quickly in the search for more nutrients ? - or - Does a well nourished root system grow...
  3. M

    Down to earth living soil

    Hi people, so im new to living soil and im wondering about a good recipe with the down to earth products, any advice?
  4. Greenthumbs256

    Green's Wedding Cake, sip, probiotics

    Alright guys, going to start a new journal, and my latest version and updates on the sip pots, using probiotics! I really need something to drown myself in, and the last thread is almost done. so why not get the ball rolling on this baby! so for everyone thats new to my journals, I'll tell ya a...