
  1. T

    Testing new HSO genetics. Running Kind LED Xl1000 Grow light, Gorilla grow tent

    Hey everyone, thanks for tunning in! Im new to the grow journal world but not so new to writing and growing catagory so this should be a blast! Id like to first explain a bit about myself, the lovey grower of these amazing beans I was gifted by Ras at HSO in Spain. I go by Soil Man Dan and have...
  2. Sterling313

    White/Sacred Lotus & Marijuana

    So, the other day I was out with a buddy of mine, and we decided to smoke what little bud we had left (I cannot remember the strain for the life of me. Strawberry something?). There wasn't enough to create a king sized joint, and there wasn't a pipe around for us to use. I told my buddy I had...