low oxygen

  1. J

    Aeration methods often fail to oxygenate RDWC DWC – Root rot prevention or treatment

    Many hobbyist are often confronted with Pythium and other fungal outbreaks. Hobbyist have basically 3 choices when it comes to catching a dose of the Pythium and or other fungal root rot diseases… Prevent the disease, treat the disease or trash the whole project, disinfect the farm and...
  2. J

    Highly oxygenated RDWC nutrient solution - why not prevent fungal infestations

    Root-parasitic fungi: How to control Pythium in hydroponics? By Noucetta Kehdi A dynamic, well-designed growing system, a clean, highly oxygenated water, a well-drained substrate, good ventilation, and the right temperature and humidity levels, are the main ingredients to success when growing...