Hi there, I’m very new at this. I grew these Northern Lights Feminized Auto flowering from seed and they’ve been doing great. This week the lower leaves are yellowing how can I save them? They’re about 7 weeks old.
Title says it all.. planted seeds into happy frog.. plants look OK 2 are fine 3 are ok showing different issues. But I have NEVER fed anything to these plants... just water... I always phd it at 6.5 and before I even planted the seeds I watered the soil heavy to try and lose some nutes.. what...
I already added dolomite to the soil but that takes time. Soil ph is around 4.7-5.5. Added about 1/3. Cup of dolomite per 5 gallons. Might add another 1/3 cup this week. I need something more fast acting tho. The plants seem to be entirely healthy, just underdeveloped. I dry amended down to...
200w cob
2 x 2 plants in two 10l (2.5gal)
Cheapasss 2 dollar fert for 2lb doesnt say suitable for hydro + Calcinit
ph has swinging between 3.0 and 4.0 girls dont care
4watt air pump
So like an idiot I added too much phosphorus into the reservoir last night and the acidity dropped very low (the indicator fluid isn't too accurate but it was very low). I quickly tried to correct it and about 40 mins later it was measured at about 6. Today the pH is still around 6 but she is...