low pressure aeroponics

  1. xthursdayx

    Looking for advice for my first run on a new LPA set up

    Hi folks, I'm hoping to get some general advice for my first grow in a long time, and my first hydroponic grow in general. Many years ago I grew in soil, but things have changed so much since then I feel like a noob all over again. I have a small grow space with a 32"x32"x63" tent. Because I'm...
  2. Northernpop

    Help Please - Recommended Nutrient Line for Low Pressure Aeroponics

    Hi guys, Im going to try low pressure aeroponics, and I need to choose a nutrient line. Although I grow organically in soil, I'm really looking for something synthetic that won't clog things up. I'd also like a decent cleaner, that won't damage the micro heard. I'm in UK, and I've been...