marijuana effects

  1. mr.green123

    Uk medical cannabis patient hangout.

    Basically starting this thread for a family member and anyone else who would like to follow the comments and advice, the family member in particular suffers from Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia, Insulin dependent diabetes, Arthritis and after being prescribed multiple medication its started affecting...
  2. C

    I haven't felt it yet but someone console me

    hello so I'm a very heavy smoker of the MJ; I also eat edibles often and dab etc. so my tolerance is high; I was desperate tonight mid anxaity attack. I have a ton of old wax and I needed something edible. So I researched how to decarb and there was too many ways. So I just double boiled almost...
  3. John Jo

    How Long Medical Marijuana Stay in our System?

    How Long Medical Marijuana Stay in our System?