Hello there! Online I like to go by Buck, Nice to meet you. This looks like a wonderful community. I love technology and marijuana. Growing is the perfect combination of the two. This year I finally convinced the land owners to allow me to grow here! I can not afford to setup an indoor room atm...
Below are my autos and photos. Autos are blueberry auto photos are super skunk og. Photos in raised bed with peat moss and mushroom compost with native soil fed twice a week. Autos in 5 gal coco coir fabric pots fed everyday. I use cal mag, fox farms trio, and kelp me kelp you plus microbe brew...
I'm a Nebraskan transplant. Just opening up this thread to trade tips and info with other people here in the cornhusker state since I left behind The Lone Star state. Also looking for any info/tips on growing outdoors here. Plan on doing some gorilla grows next year.